Divine Devotion: REIGN

A 40 Day Sacred Container. 11 minutes a day, for 40 Days.

With Rebecca Noelle

Tuesday Nov 22nd - Sunday Dec 31st.


Join us for Divine Devotion: REIGN, a 40-Day Sacred Journey guided by Rebecca Noelle. Just 11 minutes a day, for 40 Days.

In this sacred odyssey, we delve into the concept of Arclines, the ethereal halos that grace our auras, extending from ear to ear and more. Arclines are our centers of protection and projection, conduits for boundless potential.

For women, there are two Arclines—one ear to ear, the other spanning from nipple to nipple, across the Heart Center. The Heart Center Arcline holds the imprints of your life experiences, shaping your unique power as a woman.

In this 40 day container you will embrace the profound strength within you. By harmonizing your physical form and harnessing the depths of your mind, you can move mountains. What's in motion here? The mind's dominion over the body, a simple yet profound journey that you won't want to miss.









Sign Up



Event Registration Includes

  • REIGN: A Sacred 40 Day Container.

    Event participation Includes:

    ✦ An 11 minute Kundalini meditation that amplifies the energies multiple planetary energies, to embrace the profound strength within you. 

    ✦ Event Guidebook that Includes: Intro + Retrograde Wisdom, Meditation Instructions, Writing Exercises, Mantra sheets, and more. 

    ✦  Guided video of meditation practice for you to use each day (along with our live/recorded videos).

    ✦ Live Virtual Kick Off event, Weekly Virtual Practice + Check-Ins, and Closing event to practice and share your experiences with the meditation along like minded souls.

     40 Journal Prompts sent to your inbox every day. 

    ✦ Special overview of Uranus, Jupiter, Chiron, Neptune Retrogrades occurring during our 40 Day.

    ✦  Sacred Virtual Container 

    ✦  Online Dashboard for access for you to access long after the event.

    ✦ Free Bonus: Kundalini Basics Digital Book

Reserve Your Spot

Divine Devotion: REIGN is for you if:

✦ You sense the inner power within, ready to ignite your spiritual journey.

You're eager to unlock the depths of your heart, to receive universal abundance, and delve into the sacred realm of self-healing, guided by the radiant energy pathways within you.

You stand prepared to manifest in this world as your most radiant, passionate, and divinely empowered self, aligning with the profound energy centers that grace your aura.

✦ You yearn for the wisdom that an experienced, approachable, and soulful teacher can offer, guiding you along the path of inner strength and self-discovery.

You're poised to harmonize your spiritual voyage with the cosmic choreography of eclipses, lunar wisdom, energetic portals, planetary alignments, and retrogrades, all of which amplify the essence of your divine energy centers.

Your soul's voice resonates with a call for more rituals and intentional living, a practice that aligns with the flow of your inner power.

Your heart seeks a community that honors the authenticity of every energy center and the unique path it creates, bringing you closer to your inner power.

You're ready to embrace your truest self, to reign in the might of your radiant energy centers, and live your most authentic life, even as your fearless heart continues to evolve.

Sign Up Now

Divine Devotion: U N B O U N D


40 Days. 11 Minutes a Day. Less than $1 a day.

Here is how it works:
Every day for 40 Days you will do the same meditation designated for REIGN at your own time, wherever you please. 

You can do it at the same time every day or different times each day. You can do it in your special meditation space, in the bath, in a passenger seat of a car (not while driving!), at the gym, in a closet, in a hot tub-- you get the hint!

We will come together virtually to kick off our time together. Once a week we will meet virtually to practice together and check-in. On the 40th day we will close out with a final practice and closing ceremony. 

You will be given everything you need to prepare and practice this meditation for 40 days in a virtual dashboard curated just for you. 

Reserve Your Spot

I am here to guide and inspire.  

Rebecca Noelle

Kundalini Teacher + Soul Alchemist

Hey there! I am a Kundalini Yoga + Meditation teacher, Soul Alchemist + Mentor who has a passion to guide you into tapping into your Divine Grit. By breaking through through the stories + experiences of your life that are no longer required, there is space for your REAL POTENT DIVINE INNER POWER.

I am the sole creator of Divine Grit, a sacred virtual community offering a monthly membership and online courses. With my combined Life Coach certifications + over 900+ of yoga teacher training offerings, I intentionally curate each offering as a transformative experience for students. After relocating from the Bay Area, CA, I now reside in beautiful Boise, ID with my husband, kiddos, and little pup.

Read More about Me


Frequently Asked Questions 


Do I need to have experience with Kundalini Yoga to participate?

No experience is necessary! Each purchase of Divine Stream sessions include my free ebook Kundalini Basics. It is recommended that you read this through before practicing with me. You can access it from your login page, under lessons.

Can I practice whenever I want?

Short answer, YES. And... it is really really really helpful to set time out early in the morning that is for YOU and your practice. By carving out time each day at the same time, you are building up a habit of self-love + devotion. Life happens. The most important piece is to show up. Whatever time of day it is. EVERY DAY.

How will I know what to do? 

Once you sign up, you will gain access to videos, printouts, and more that will outline the program and meditation. I got you!​

Why 40 Days? 

Every single kriya (yoga sequence) or meditation in Kundalini Yoga changes us in very specific ways. If you practice a kriya a few times, you receive a wonderful benefit. But if you want to permanently change your habits, and realize the full effects of the kriya, we practice a particular kriya or mantra every single day for the same amount of time. By practicing every day for 40 days straight you will break any negative habits that block you from the expansion possible through the kriya or mantra.

What if I miss a day? 

You don't want to know how many times I have missed a day.... and had to start all over. It SUCKS! AND! It is all part of the unfolding. The process must be trusted. 

You miss a day, you start over. No big deal. All of our material will be available to you as long as Divine Grit is. Which is hopefully, forever. ​

How long will I have access to the materials and group? 

All of the material will be available to you as long as Divine Grit is. Which is hopefully, forever. ​